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The more flexible your mind, the more adaptable you can be


noun [ U ]

ˈhjuː.mən əˈdʒɪl.ə.ti

The ability to adapt to change & challenges by activating unique human abilities of self-awareness & higher order thinking.

Original definition by


Human Agility

noun [ U ]

ˈhjuː.mən əˈdʒɪl.ə.ti

Inner Self Development – Unlocking Human Agility

If you look beneath the surface into the most “successful” and wise people, you will notice what they have in common: They do lots of innerwork.   

They are aware of their inner thoughts and feelings.

They are intentional in navigating their decisions, relationships, and actions. 

In other words, they activate their metacognition.

Doing innerwork means understanding your mind and heart – “Otak & Hati”.

When you look inwards, you can be aware of your inner thoughts and feelings,

When you are aware, you can be intentional in shaping your mind and actions.

With innerwork, you can unlock human agility for greater adaptability.


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Click on the brain icon to understand through the lens of brain science.

Human competencies are 5 domains of metacognitive abilities that collectively contribute to human agility.

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Human agility can be developed through 5 Domains of Human Competencies

Activation of self-awareness allows people to consciously self-monitor one’s own internal thoughts and emotions, interpret external experiences, and construct an internal model of the world.

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Self-awareness – awareness of our own thoughts, feelings and motivations

Mindset is the underlying thought pattern and inner narrative which mould our subconscious belief about ourselves and the world. Mindset affects one’s attitude, behaviour and decision making.

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Mindset – the attitude and belief we have about ourselves, others, and the world

Thinking Agility is about enhancing our cognitive strategies to think deeper, broader, faster. By tapping into the brain networks of systematic and spontaneous thinking, it enables critical thinking and creative thinking.

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Thinking Agility – how flexibly we can think

Emotional Agility begins with awareness of emotional states, expressions, and underlying motivations. This allows for selection of appropriate emotional responses for inner balance and long-term wellbeing.

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Emotional Agility – connecting and managing our feelings

Relational Agility involves activation of empathy through the mirror neurons for a deeper understanding of others. This enables the building of social bonds through effective communication, collaboration and navigating shared values.

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Relational Agility – building connections with empathy

Behavioural Agility is about aligning cognitive resources of attention, motivation, memory to achieve desired outcomes, making meaningful and effective use of our limited time and energy.

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Behavioural Agility – choosing our decisions and actions

To delve deeper in your understanding of Human Agility & Human Competencies,

To delve deeper in your understanding of Human Agility & Human Competencies,

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